lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Why you should learn a second language? part 2

Getting deeper on our last post theme, today I will write about the reasons and the benefits that learning new language has.  Some people´s reasons might be practical, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons are, learning a new language will help you throughout your life in so many aspects.
Here are a few examples of the benefits you will enjoy form learning a new language:
-       Emigration: If you are planning to move or you have already moved to a different country or region, learning the local language it’s a must. It will help you to integrate with the local community and even if many of the locals speak your language, it's still worth to learn the local language, doing that, you will show your commitment with the new country and its culture. Learning the local language when you move abroad will enable you to perform better your job, improve your networking and explore new professional facets or ventures to say some.
-        Travelling: When travelling abroad on vacations, you will make the most of your journey if you can at least speak a few sentences of the country you are visiting language. It will make you life much easier, will help you to enjoy more the attractions, and will allow you to fully immerse in the real local culture. And even though every country has different people and different culture, you will find that in the vast majority of the places you visit people is very welcoming, understanding and very appreciative if you try to speak their language and don´t stick to your own language expecting everybody else to adapt to you.

-       Study: It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, you should never stop learning, being curious or lose you hunger for knowledge. Most of the times, you will find that the resources and the information better suits your necessities is published mainly in a foreign language. Learning that language will give you access to the sources and the material you need, and will allow you to thrive.
Furthermore, if you plan to study either an undergraduate or a postgraduate course at a foreign university, college or school, you will probably need to speak the local language, and even if you don’t compulsory need to speak their language, it will help a lot if you can. You will feel more comfortable when talking in public, attending to lectures or undergoing your test.

-       Work: Even if you don´t often use a language other than your mother tongue at work, at some point you will find that you have to deal with customers, contracts, business meetings etc in a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job or a transfer overseas bolstering your international career prospects. Speaking more than one language puts you in the first line for a promotion and gives you a real advantage among other candidates.

-       Culture: Whether you are interested in literature, history, films or music, understanding the language in which these documents are written in, will allow you to keep updated on any new trend and will open a wide range of new sources from where you will get to know more about a particular topic.

-       Medical: According to researchers who compared bilingual individuals with people who spoke only one language, learning a second language and speaking it regularly can delay the onset of Alzheimer. Also it has been discovered that bilingual people are better at multitasking and prioritizing than monolingual ones.

-       Personal: You might see it as a challenge, a particular way to understand better other cultures or as an enticing way to spend your spare time, learning a new language will reinforce your self-esteem at the same time you get a rewarding feeling when you get to speak or understand the language you put the effort to learn.

These are a few, but whatever your reasons are, don´t miss the opportunity to learn a new language. In a more and more globalised world, nowadays one language it´s not enough!!

As a plus, here is a list featuring the top 10 most spoken languages worldwide. 

Native speakers
 % of world population

935 (955)

387 (407)

365 (359)

295 (311)

280 (293)

204 (216)

202 (206)

160 (154)

127 (126)

96 (102)

I shall start thinking about taking Mandarin lessons; that would make me able to speak the three most spoken languages in the world!

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